VERY CROSS Cultural Communication (w/Tutti Quintella)

Misinformation about foreign communities going viral goes viral in foreign communities due to misinformation. Mercari's Diversity and Inclusion manager Tutti Quintella helps us puzzle through the whole Corona Gaijin mess on TV and Twitter.
Misinformation about foreign communities going viral goes viral in foreign communities due to misinformation. Mercari's Diversity and Inclusion manager, director of Women Who Code: Tokyo and SpeakHer co-founder Tutti Quintella helps us puzzle through the whole Corona Gaijin mess on TV and Twitter.

Ollie recommends a cruise that ticked the "innovation box" and not much else.
Bobby puts on his NO RIVER CRUISE, NO LIFE t-shirt and gets angry at a list, AGAIN.

Topics discussed on this episode range from:
  • How to tell whether or not YOUR opinion is valid, and how to make sure others KNOW that it is
  • THAT government press conference about corona that the media made about cultural differences, and the foreigner in Japan Twittersphere made it about gaijin sabetsu
  • The software engineering/coding boom, and the efforts to get more women into tech, why it appeals to women, especially during the pandemic
  • how different perspectives/experiences affect people's problem solving strategies, and why diversity is a plus
  • The cross-over between problem solving in coding and problem solving in people management
  • How Japan's population aging and decline is affecting the Japan talent pool for tech companies
  • Japan's approach to Diversity and Inclusion, and why it's necessary
  • Bobby and Ollie's VERY SARCASTIC ideas for what Japan could do to retain its foreign talent
  • The Government press conference that kicked off the whole "Media Blames Foreigns" for spreading Corona
  • Why the foreign reaction may have been a little over the top, and how we might not even HAVE a full picture of the foreign reaction
  • What we could do to expand our perspective and take a more considered approach to DECRYING the media
  • How the media got it wrong, and what Tutti thinks their motivations are
  • The current state of awareness of diversity awareness in Japan
  • Why what the media says about foreigners and corona MATTERS
  • Why the approach to diversity training needs to be tied to the motivations of the potential trainees, or it might end up doing more damage than good
  • How, as angry twitter gaijin, we can reevaluate our approach to dealing with our feelings of being discriminated against in Japan

Topics discussed on the extras range from:
  • Updates on the SpeakHer database, and its first official booking
  • The tenuous nature of the current event industry in Japan
  • The difference between relying on a gig economy and not being desperately fucked
  • ANOTHER classic Ollie Horn Simpsons reference
  • The ill-advised Japanese tendency to be honest about work-from-home productivity
  • How much work ACTUALLY gets done in a work day
  • Human nature as it pertains to time limits
  • What Bobby's mom thinks about how messy he is
  • How Tutti went from coding to human resources/diversity and inclusion training
  • Impostors
  • The coding that went into SpeakHer
  • Similarities between being a software engineer and a human resources manager
  • The duality of human resources as an advocate for the employees and the need to provide benefit to the employer
  • Why some encouraging embracing conflict as a form of progress
  • How Bobby exploits the "assumption of benevolence"
  • The differences in hiring processes between western and Japanese companies
  • Tutti's battles re: hiring strategies
  • Comparative salaries
  • Career woman versus motherhood issues in Japan

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Social Media Links:

Tutti Quintella:  Twitter | Women Who Code Tokyo | Instagram

Ollie Horn: Twitter | Instagram

Bobby Judo: Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

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VERY CROSS Cultural Communication (w/Tutti Quintella)
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