Sour Korean Grapes and Idol Chatter (w/Amina Dujean)

Former Japanese idol Amina Dujean joins the buoys to talk Johnny's Jimusho and why its boy bands can't compete globally like Korea can? What do you think? Is it the lack of English ability or the fact that they're bad?
Former Japanese idol Amina Dujean joins the buoys to talk Johnny's Jimusho and why its boy bands can't compete globally like Korea can? What do you think? Is it the lack of English ability or the fact that they're awful?

Ollie recommends the river cruises with the only amenity that matters right now, and Bobby continues down the path to his dream of captaining a riverboat, this week taking one step forward and 1,000 metric tons back.

Topics discussed on this episode range from:
  • The female fandom of Japanese idols
  • The two ways male idol fans often view the idols
  • What idols have in common with YouTubers
  • The financial pitfalls of idoldom and what Amina thinks could be done to improve the situation
  • Tegoshi Yuya's essay Avalanche and the avalanche of shit it brought down on him
  • His critique of the Johnny's talent agency and why he thinks Korean pop artists succeed more than Japanese ones
  • His apparent confusion about the reputation of Johnny's in the world
  • The consequences of making waves for your agency
  • Restrictions of idol contracts
  • The legality of telling people not to date
  • What Ollie would have to do to violate his "image clause"
  • Oriental tokenism in American music tastes, and why that might mean it's too late for Japan
  • Angering Kpop stans by not giving credit where credit is due
  • Whether the essay is more critical of K-pop, Japan, or Yuya's own abilities
  • How, yes, getting famous for being imperfect because Japan likes rooting for the accessible girl or boy next door more than the superstar, does mean you're not marketable anywhere else
  • How, agency or not, you still have to be accountable to your fans
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Amina Dujean: Instagram | Twitter |

Ollie Horn: Twitter | Instagram

Bobby Judo: Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

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Sour Korean Grapes and Idol Chatter (w/Amina Dujean)
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