Games Japan ACTUALLY Wants (w/Stephen Case)

Co-founder of Tanuki Games, Stephen Case talks about the relationship between community building and quality of life abroad and how the rhythms of Japan expat experience have changed during the past year. (They're f***ed.)
Co-founder of Tanuki Games, Stephen Case talks about the relationship between community building and quality of life abroad and how the rhythms of Japan expat experience have changed during the past year. (They're f***ed.)

Ollie recommends a river cruise that's partnered with Elon Musk, so you know it's got its priorities in line.

Bobby does a quick self-exam to make sure we're not liable for fraud.

Topics discussed on this episode range from:
  • How many memberships Brian should buy
  • How Comedy Fukuoka got started
  • What Curling is
  • Ollie's various failings but what ultimately makes him worth it
  • How Stephen and Ollie have adapted (or failed to adapt) to online comedy and the absence of international Comedy Festivals
  • Our online gratitude show, and why we're so grateful to all of you beautiful people, as well as who are you
  • The most recent accolade that has been bestowed upon us by the BEAUTIFUL people at
  • Golden Week and why it doesn't matter
  • Community building in the expat community
  • What makes a party a party
  • The kinds of Japan immigrants you find on Twitter
  • Board games
  • The secret to being a well-rounded foreigner in Japan
  • The distinction between coming to Japan TO do something and coming to Japan AND doing something
  • The social aspects of life in Japan that have been removed by pandemic conditions
  • How people who run gaikokujin facing businesses factor in the ebb and flow of immigration to Japan
  • What makes an expat community LAST in Japan
  • How being an expat affects the kind of social scene you have access to our seek out
  • Whether or not beggars can be choosers and why Stephen thinks the limited pool of potential friends is actually better than the unlimited friends you'd meet in your environment of origin
  • What Westerners in Japan have in common
  • Mutual hobbies as relationship builders
  • Copyrightable aspects of games
  • Stephen's company, Tanuki Games, and it's Family Feud ripoff game, So Says Japan
Topics discussed on the extras range from:

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Content Links:
Tanuki Games

Social Media Links:

Stephen Case: Twitter | Instagram

Ollie Horn: Twitter | Instagram

Bobby Judo: Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

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Games Japan ACTUALLY Wants (w/Stephen Case)
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